Turner Osteopathy

Turner Osteopathy is located in the heart of Wiltshire, situated in Calne within TT Fitness Hub.

We offer preventative treatments to help strengthen and condition your body – optimising performance, and minimising the risk of injury.

Rehabilitative treatments are available to those that have sustained injury, or have developed problematic symptoms that effect the quality of life.

At Turner Osteopathy, we pride ourselves in addressing each patient as an individual, regardless of their symptoms or condition. Every patient is treated with the highest level of care, and treatments are tailored on a case by case basis.

Turner Osteopathy offers osteopathy, sports massage and medical acupuncture treatments. Depending on a patients condition, these treatments can be used individually or in combination to alleviate pain and aid recovery.

During treatment, every care is taken to ensure that you, the patient, is comfortable, safe and fully informed at every stage. Our practitioners are extensively trained in all available procedures, which together with a planned course of exercises and stretches will provide the best course to your recovery.

Osteopathy has been used since the 19th century to help treat and manage many musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Whether you suffer from lower back pain and stiffness, sporting related injuries or have general aches and pains from posture at work, we are here to help you.
Turner Osteopathy is experienced in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions. Some of these are listed below:

Head & Neck


Whiplash associated disorders

Stiff or restricted necks

Trapped nerves

Jaw Pain

Sinus Problems


Frozen shoulder

Ligamentous strains

Rotator cuff injury

Pins and needles in the fingers or hands

Repetitive strain injuries

Biceps tendinitis

Shoulder instability

Arm & Hand

Nerve compression

Repetitive strain injuries

Tight forearms

Golfer’s and tennis elbow

Carpal tunnel


Upper & Lower Back

Tight shoulders

Postural related concerns

Discogenic injury


Lower back pain and stiffness

Nerve compression


Knee & Foot

Meniscal injuries




Heel pain

Plantar fasciitis

Shin splints

Hip & Pelvis

Symphysis pubis disorder

Pelvic girdle pain

Clicking hips

Ligamentous strains

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction

Muscular strains and tears